She's here ... our precious girl - Charlotte Beth - was welcomed into the world on 11th November at 4.31pm weighing in at 7lbs 12oz and she is honestly the best decision I have ever made!
Already our house is filled with an inordinate amount of pink and it finally feels like the family home we so hoped it would be.
And I know I'm naturally biased but she is simply perfect!! At the minute she's curled up sleeping in her moses basket while her daddy cleans the house and I have ten minutes out to myself on here.
If I ever had one ounce of doubt that becoming a mum was perhaps not the right move it has been banished without a second thought because I promise that it is THE most amazing feeling and privilege I have ever had the benefit of having.
Yes she is hard work, like all newborns, but I would go without every lost second of sleep all over again in an instant.
So, to anyone with MS who wonders if having a child is possible, my resounding response is most definitely yes. And I know everyone's circumstances are different and that I myself may have moments in the future when it seems an impossible task but when Charlotte looks at me with wide eyed wonderment every time she wakes it is no exaggeration to say that she makes my life complete - and I wouldn't exchange that feeling for anything in the world.