Friday, 29 April 2011

A touch of self-promotion

Oh dear, the challenge for day three is to get readers to tell others that my blog exists. Which means a rally of self-promotion - and, yes I'm confident, but not really very good at putting myself out there so ferociously.

I follow some very lovely people on twitter and I am always astounded at how they promote their blogs with such ease. And I don't think they're overly in-your-face either. But I have this sense that I will come across as pushy.

The issue with this is mainly because I never started the blog to be widely read - and those that have read from the start will know this - but as time has gone on I have had this sense that what I write may help others with Multiple Sclerosis, their friends and family perhaps, and if at all, maybe raise awareness about an illness that affects so many but isn't the most well known.

So, for one day only (for now anyway!) I'll ask you all nicely - if you like what I write, spread the word. Maybe give the blog a quick link on Facebook or leave a comment that gets people talking. You can also find me on twitter - @catdoran - and if you would like to link me on there too then an extra thank you comes your way!


  1. Don't be shy! I started a blog in January and every so often I just put the link to the new article on twitter/facebook and obsessively watch the stats bar haha.
    I recognise you from Derry newspaper columns and didn't realise you had MS. I think you are so brave and your positivity is inspiring.
    Wonderful blog - I retweeted you on twitter. Goodluck xx

  2. Thank you Fiona ... glad you're enjoying it xx

  3. Hello! Well I am very happy you're doing the 30dayblog challenge as well; started mine a while back and let's just say I won't be getting a gold star for keeping up. But I will say this, am really enjoying meeting new bloggers and want to thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts.. great blog xx

  4. Sell yourself woman! I find it funny that people (women mostly) are big on self-flagellation but we (women mostly) have such a hard time with self-promotion... I'm horrible about it! I'm my own worst critic and feel very undeserving of anything and everything ha!

    You are a great writer!! And don't you forget it!!
